What is The Best Procedure For My Excessive Foot Sweating?
Excessive foot sweating, or plantar hyperhidrosis, usually manifests together with palmar hyperhidrosis (excessive hand sweating). Solitary foot sweating without excessive hand sweating is also possible but in a very low percentage of cases.
We realized that the thoracic sympathectomy (ETS) doesn’t help with excessive foot sweating. Since 2004, the Lumbar Sympathectomy has proven to be the best option to treat patients with severe plantar hyperhidrosis (excessive foot sweating).
Continued refinements and improvements are constantly discovered. These include technical performance, as well as an understanding of the locations where a lumbar sympathectomy will help.
In some cases, post thoracic sympathectomy compensatory sweating in the buttocks area is also treatable with ELS. The performing surgeon can provide answers to additional questions.
It still behooves patients with foot sweating to try conservative measures before opting for a surgical solution. For more in-depth information please see our foot sweating section.